Happy Choose-Day (Tuesday)

I just don’t want to end my Tuesday with no entry on my blog because early in the morning as I woke up, I got the feeling and the urgency to write something.

I’ve been clinging to this Chinese Drama series entitled “Addicted Heroin” that I watched last weekend. Up until now, I can’t move on to the feelings and happiness it brought to me. Don’t worry I will write a review about it (this time I promise I’ll think an entry for that) ’cause the felling of being attached in a TV series or movie, I felt it again.

Then before I prepare for my daily routine, I browse the internet first for some clips and behind the scenes of Addicted Heroin (pampagood-vibes baga) and saw this video of the main characters playing or should I say flirting in an open court (grabe talaga ang pagkakilig ko super). So I got an energy, enthusiasm, will power to do a SELFIE!!


Throughout the day, although I got some incidents that bad mood swing attacked, still I managed myself to compose my feelings and push my self to open my laptop and hit the keyboard for some nakaka-ewang post again. I managed to smile and share some happy and funny moments with my co-workers.

And one more thing, this day was also special because our Senior Director for Support Services celebrated her birthday today! Yehey! So many food and also cakes!! Happy Happy Birthday Ma’am Lyneth. She’s one of the awesome boss that I met in CARD MRI. A leader with a compassion for others especially in times of need. That’s why she had my full respect!

Thank you Tuesday for the positive vibes you give.

Its Choose-Day and I choose to  let go all negative vibes and accept happiness.


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